Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How ObamaCare helped me

Ok will all this talk about Obamacare costing people so much money, I have to put my 2 cents in.

I am self employed and it is very hard for me to get health insurance, so I have to just apply and hope I do not get denied. Before ObamaCare, I applied many times for health care only to be denied because of pre-existing conditions.

So now, since the new healthcare plan has passed, I applied again for healthcare. Of course, I was denied because of pre-existing conditions. Since the new law passed, I was now eligible for coverage under the new law.

I sent in my paperwork for the new insurance and was approved. I got great insurance for a good price and I am doing well.

So I guess my healthcare premiums did go up. From nothing to $188 a month.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Lockout affects me too

I was recently hired on by the company that provides food services for Jobing.com arena during the events to work the concession stands. This was such a hard thing to do as I have been a season ticket holder for 9 seasons now, but I own a small business and the economy is still in the shitter so I made the hard choice to seek employment.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Joyce Clark tweets about Arena Management Fee

On May 21st, 2012 Glendale city council member Joyce Clark (@clarkjv) sent out a series of tweets regarding the proposed arena management fee to the Jamison group for managing Jobing.com arena in Glendale AZ.

May 21st 2012 10:41 pm Ch 12 just had 2 bring up GWI in Coyotes piece. FYI: Cardinals Stadium, $9-10 M to Global Spectrum. ( more in next tweet)

May 21st 2012 10:43 pm Part 2: AZSTA ( stadium owner) has another line item in their budget of approx. another $8 M for " stadium operations." ( one more tweet)

May 21st 2012 10:46 pmTotal approx $18 M to run stadium. $17 M is in line with other facilities when you really start looking at their budget line items

Sunday, April 29, 2012

We Have Fans

I have seen numerous hockey fans from around North America rooting for the Coyotes to go all the way now. I am choosing to ignore the people who call themselves fans who are rooting for us to lose so I just concentrate on the good fans.

I have gotten messages from fans on Twitter, Facebook, and other places genuinely hoping the Coyotes can ride this thing for as long as possible and going all the way. I have friends here in town that have never watched a hockey game before, starting to follow the games and even tuning in to watch. This is such a wonderful feeling to see these people root for us.

I hope that everyone will continue to welcome them and show them the ropes. These are the fans that are going to buy a 4 pack next season, love it so much they will upgrade to a 10 game pack. In a couple of years they will not be able to stay away and they will become full season ticket holders.

Welcome to Coyote Country everyone. Sit back, stay a long time and enjoy this wonderful ride we like to call hockey.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Jamison at Coyotes game

So Greg Jamison was at the game. He was just standing in the lower lever in the hall by that Belgium beer kiosk. During the OT intermission myself and a couple of friends went up to him and talked to him. He was amazing and very accessible. He said not to give up on the sale. He certainly did not give us any inside information BUT, he said he has followed this teams situation for a long time and he knows the real story on the past financial issues and he is sure we can be very successful here. He said he has been working on this deal for a long time. I told him that I am trying to not read the media and he replied with don't listen to the media at all!

 Dumb me should have asked about buying the arena and westgate.

 Anyway, it was a very, very cool experience and I can only hope he is the new owner.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Letter from Gary Bettman

So I wrote a letter to the NHL commissioner, Gary Bettman regarding the Coyotes Situation and here is what I got back from him.

Dear Geoff,

Thank you very much for writing me with questions about the situation with the Coyotes in Phoenix. Here is the most up to date information.

We have decided to lower the sale price significantly to ensure a quick sale. We are doing everything we can to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix and with lowering the sale price to under $100 million, we expect the sale to be complete by the end of January. We are 100% confident that the sale will go through to Greg Jamison and the Coyotes will stay in Phoenix. Greg Jamison will be purchasing Jobing.com arena in conjunction with the team to ensure the team stays for decades to come.

We at the NHL appreciate your concern about the situation and I hope you have alleviated your fear.

Gary "The Hammer" Bettman

If you have not figured out by now this is a 100% fake letter. I wrote it just to show how easy it is to fabricate a letter from anyone and post it on the internet.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Experience with Roc and Manuch

People following the Coyotes ownership situation have certainly heard about Roc from Roc and Manuch. Roc has been tweeting that he knows someone in the Jamison ownership group and has been given the privilege of tweeting out insider information about the sale.

Roc has never given his source nor has the Jamison ownership group confirmed they have any relationship with Roc. The other day he tweeted that the Jamison group was out of the ownership picture. He said his source, who is part of the ownership group texted him and told him this news.

I tweeted to a few people, NOT ROC, and said why should people even believe this radio personality.

Roc replied to this tweet that was not even to him and called me out saying I was a bad fan. He DM'ed me saying that I should unfollow him if I don't like it and then he promptly unfollowed me so I could not respond to his DM. He tweeted that I was being a keyboard warrior and he wanted to meet in person. Mind you all these tweets have now been deleted.

I told him I would love to meet up with him and tweeted him 3 times asking him where and when we could meet and he never responded.

Several days ago Roc also tweeted that he was not going to tweet about Coyotes news again because of all the haters. So then he still tweets news and then gets upset when people question his sources.

For the record, I have never questioned Roc's commitment to the team nor his status as a fan. I am not mad because he seems to think he is just the messenger of bad news. I am pissed because he said I was a bad fan and called me out to meet and then deleted the tweets about it and unfollowed me so I could not respond to his DM's and still has not told me where and when we are going to meet up.

Ps. Hey Roc, Anytime and anyplace I will be there to meet up with you. I will say EVERYTHING I have tweeted to your face. Will you do the same??? I am waiting.
